Thursday, 8 October 2015

An illustrators admiration of others

 It's been a long time since writing again.
When I heard about this I knew that the good part of me should ask for it for Christmas, but the eager impatient child in me knew there was simply no way I could wait and I'm am just so glad I ordered it.

Oh how I wish I'd been at the House of Illustration the other night for the launch of the fully illustrated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, illustrated by Jim Kay. However I got tucked up early last night and devoured the book, the story we all know and love (I'm busy working on a new project and listening to them all on audio book, wonderful to work to), but Jim's re-imaginings are superb. The detail, colour, mark making and for me his superb use of theatrical light and darkness are just breath taking. 'Snape' made me gasp when I got to him, and 'Fluffy' well those noses are just perfect! He has simply woven his own illustrational magic into every image. It's a masterpiece. Very inspiring and there's a part of me that wishes I was a child again so I could read it under the covers. Spine tinglingly beautiful!

So duly inspired and in awe of such creations, I head back to my studio to paint.

I'm not going to post any pics, a copyright thing, but mainly a 'go out and buy it' thing, really you won't regret it!